Chess is a tricky, super interesting game. People have loved it for, like, forever. Wondering where it came from? Who made it? When did it start? Let’s dive into all that and more, exploring the long, cool history of chess. The real beginning of chess is like a big mystery. Lots of stories say different things about who made it. Some say an Indian thinker named Sissa ben Dahir made it. Others think it was the ancient Chinese, Greeks, or Persians. Too bad we might never really know who did it, but the story kicks off in ancient India with the Gupta Empire. We’re gonna go way back, like to the 6th century AD in India. There was this game called “chaturanga,” kind of like a warm-up to modern chess. It had four players and mixed in some cool strategy stuff that we still use in chess today. Over time,…

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